Thursday, 29 December 2011

Whitby Field Trip 2011

Well I thought as seen as I haven't blogged alot I would go into more detail about my little life in Hull. As I said on a previous post I went to Whitby for my Field Studies in Marine Biology module.

Runswick Bay :)

For this trip we stayed at Sneaton Castle Centre where a shared a floor with Jess, Smee, Hannah and Louise (a demonstrator) but on many nights and days Lydia and Eve came to keep us company. Them and me now make up the Angry Bird Crew (Y).

Day 1: Me and Smee decided to drive up there ourselves as the silly mite gets travel sick so we met the others there. Once we were there we unpacked, talked about the rules, had tea and then walked into Whitby.  Basically all we did was spend our time on the arcades and win a pot angry bird each.

Day 2: Sampling on a rocky shore with the ABCrew and taking the samples back for identification and drawing, then off to the bar for card games and gossip :).

 Green Shore Crab

Jess identifying stuff (Y)

Day 3: Sampling on a sandy beach whilst determining the shore profile and using fancy equipment, then taking the samples back for identification and drawing. This was the longest day ever, we had finished identifying, drawing and sieving through sand before the other groups but had to wait till 8/9pm till we could do the final piece so we didn't get out of the lab till 10pm, but off to the bar we went and played animal charades for our last night :).

 Shore Profiling.


 Me and Hannah got to paddle in the sea :)

Angry Bird Crew (Y)

Day 4: Shore profiling on a rocky shore and identifying in the field. Then back home :D.

Hannah falling asleep on the last day.

I had a really great time and I met some lovely people :). Cannie wait for next years field trip, it's lovely to get away sometimes!

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