Tuesday, 16 November 2010


I know I haven't blogged in a while and that is mostly because I haven't really done that much...........until now!

So since Thursday I have had more college and more work to do than ever but for some reason my brain doesn't want me to work so I am still unfortunately behind. I visited Kirkstall Valley Nature Reserve with College on Friday and we did some surveys and planned future ones too.

Saturday Danny's Mum, Chris and Noah came to visit for the day and we went to the pub for dinner and I had yummy winter beef stew and dumplings, I haven't had that in a long time. It was nice that they came up to see the flat when it was tidy and see little Noah :)

Sunday was a very lazy day and then work. I also had a lazy day looking at phones yesterday as I have decided that I shall be getting a new one soon. I have been looking at the HTC Wildfire due to lack of funds and liking my simplicity contract! Fortunately Ian has a friend that might be selling one and Jordan is asking his cousin about theirs so I might be getting one pretty cheap otherwise I shall be getting one off Amazon as they have a deal on at the moment. I found out as well that I will no longer be going to the Christmas market and seeing Harry Potter on Friday due to mixed dates :(, however all is not lost as I shall be seeing Harry Potter with Katy on Sunday (fingers crossed) so no posts on here or Facebook about HP until then please.  

Today I have played on Sims 3 for a bit, got my highlighters off the postman and now, when I've finished this, I'm going to have a shower and do some Land Use Issues work as that really needs to be done this week whilst listening to Christmas songs that are on the TV :D

♪ It's never gonna snow ♪

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