Tuesday, 16 November 2010


I know I haven't blogged in a while and that is mostly because I haven't really done that much...........until now!

So since Thursday I have had more college and more work to do than ever but for some reason my brain doesn't want me to work so I am still unfortunately behind. I visited Kirkstall Valley Nature Reserve with College on Friday and we did some surveys and planned future ones too.

Saturday Danny's Mum, Chris and Noah came to visit for the day and we went to the pub for dinner and I had yummy winter beef stew and dumplings, I haven't had that in a long time. It was nice that they came up to see the flat when it was tidy and see little Noah :)

Sunday was a very lazy day and then work. I also had a lazy day looking at phones yesterday as I have decided that I shall be getting a new one soon. I have been looking at the HTC Wildfire due to lack of funds and liking my simplicity contract! Fortunately Ian has a friend that might be selling one and Jordan is asking his cousin about theirs so I might be getting one pretty cheap otherwise I shall be getting one off Amazon as they have a deal on at the moment. I found out as well that I will no longer be going to the Christmas market and seeing Harry Potter on Friday due to mixed dates :(, however all is not lost as I shall be seeing Harry Potter with Katy on Sunday (fingers crossed) so no posts on here or Facebook about HP until then please.  

Today I have played on Sims 3 for a bit, got my highlighters off the postman and now, when I've finished this, I'm going to have a shower and do some Land Use Issues work as that really needs to be done this week whilst listening to Christmas songs that are on the TV :D

♪ It's never gonna snow ♪

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Today has been a pretty horrendous day because:
  1. My car has recently decided that she doesn't like the rain and wouldn't start. Eventually when she did, she was still jolty and at 1 point I was on the side of the road nearly crying my eyes out to Danny but he reassured me and I got to college on time as Sydney decided to feel sorry for me and work properly.
  2. I am way behind on my Land Use Issues assignment, way way behind and shall hopefully catch up within the next couple of days.
  3. I am also way behind with my biology revision.....
  4. I got a hole in my new tights :(
  5. I lost my nice white chocolate bar that I was looking forward too when I got home.
  6. We have nothing yummy to eat......EVER!
  7. I have no idea what's happening tomorrow.
  8. Work thinks I have been off 3 times for sickness when I checked and I've only been off twice.
  9. The council rang me up today about an interview and told me they had 2 slots free on the 19th when I already told them earlier in the week that I was at college all day. 
  10. People just don't listen.
  11. I have to be up early in the morning :(
  12. I don't have a lot of money left
  13. I'm on my own
So yeah pretty crappy day but Danny should be home soon with some chocolate and Misfits is on soon :D 

Love that boy ♥

Tessalina Thumbalina

Just a short update as I don't really have a lot to say :)

Yesterday I got to go shopping with the lovely Tess! We bought candles and Christmas presents and pretty things :) However she did forget to get her lovely purple candle off me, so it's an excuse to get to see her again. We had a lovely chat at a cafe and the lovely muffin man only charged us for our scrumptious triple chocolate muffin, so we got out tea and hot chocolate free :D

I then came home, made some pasta and went off to work, which wasn't too busy so it was quite nice :)

Onwards and upwards!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

My First Exam of the Year

Today I have again been revising my ass off for a practical exam that I had today and TBH I wouldn't of had to revise half of what I did if they narrowed it down a bit more. It was really simple but saying that I might have written the wrong thing and not know it. But it's done now and there is another in two weeks (Y).

Anyway look at this...


How amazing is this photo of a little rabbit. The more I look at it the more I think it may be laughing and not yawning, it makes it a bit more fun to look too. But look at it, would you ever get bored of that cute little face.....EVER! I found it flicking through my BBC Wildlife magazine and then my Dad posted it on my wall on Facebook and look how enticing it is, just to look at it. Its that fantastic it is now my desktop background so every time I turn my laptop on I smile and don't think 'Here we go more work :('. I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Another thing that has made me happy is that I'm going to see my dearest Tess tomorrow. I know I've already spoke about this but I am right happy about seeing her. We get a day of shopping, relaxing and just catch up :D Until I have to go to work obviously but I don't mind as I still get to see her even if it is for a little while. She has also promised to go ice skating with me again when the outdoor ice rink comes to Leeds, and we can have hot chocolate with marshmallows :D Scrumptious!

I best pop off now as I have a cup of tea waiting (courtesy of Jordan) and a Danny wanting to watch something with me.

Oh the simple things in life :D

Monday, 8 November 2010

Revise Revise Revise

Tomorrow I have my first A Level Biology practical exam and I think the practical itself will be fine but the questions after are going to be terrible. I'm revising my ass off but I don't believe it to be working :/.

Other than revising, I have done some washing and been waiting for the darn postman again. I'm starting to dislike that man. I have a Graze Box that should have been here on Saturday along with a new CD and some highlighters which I am in desperate need of. However Graze have refunded me my money because of the delay which was very nice of them and if you ever want to try one please use this code http://www.graze.com/p/68QK679.where you can get your first box free and your second one half price. Also you get me £1 off my next box :)

I have also watched Natalie Cassidy: Becoming Mum today, which I thought was a bit interesting however I don't believe her to be as famous as they make out. Plus I shall be watching my soaps later, obviously and unfortunately more revision. But it has to be done really as I really want to do well this year and prove I haven't taken on too much, which TBH most people are thinking.

Anyway Tea Time :D

Sunday, 7 November 2010


Well today has unfortunately not been very productive as last night I had to come home early from work as my body had decided to make me spew my guts out.The second time I ended up doing it in a bucket and Danny, bless him, cleaned it up for me whilst nearly being sick from the smell himself. But I am feeling a bit better apart from being weak, a little dizzy and my tummy hurting. So not totally bed ridden like yesterday.

I have actually got a bit of work and revision done today but I've not overdone it and got to watch Casper as a break. I love that film :) Also I sorted out with my dear Tessalina about seeing her on Wednesday. It's nice being able to see her more than I used to even if she does live in York!

Here we are :)

To end this particularly uneventful and ill day we, Me and Danny, are going to have home made soup for tea and maybe bubble and squeak as well. HOORAH to reduced food!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

The Rents

Today the parents came to visit which was loverly :) They brought freebies and presents from their holiday in the Maldives and they look brown as a bear (Y) We got new coconut wood drink mats, a fish magnet and some teabags and goodies from their hotel.

Once the bits, bobs and cups of tea were done, we went to Louisiana Bar and Grill for some dinner, courtesy of Mother Dearest :D which was scrumptious, I'm still full from it now! We also got to see some of their holiday videos and Danny managed to palm off his oldish desktop, cactus and maybe the weights that are in our front room, all to my Dad...What a lucky man!!!!!

Sims 3 ensued on the PS3 and now I have to get ready for work at ye olde Sainsbury's.



Well yesterday was bonfire night but first of all I had to get up at 7am for another student rep meeting. Yes, another and again it was very interesting :/.....but I did get some of the things that my fellow course mates wanted :) 

The college day then ensued, again very exhilarating. But there was a bit of drama between the boys which spiced it up a little and hopefully that is sorted out now otherwise there would be a lot of tension due to their only being 6 of us on the course. 

Later on I came home and made the lovely Danny Pasta Bolognase a la Sarah :) which I thought was quite yummy :) and we headed off to the pretty fireworks at Hyde Park/Woodhouse Moor, however due to Danny wanting to do the pots we missed out on some of them....but we did get to see the best bits I suppose :)

Then due to dehydration and the cold we raced towards the Old Bar and got a nice warm seat in the corner and had a nice wine and Koppaberg :) Then BAM Jordan met up with us and made us go upstairs and sit outside in the cold with a goldfish.....Yes an actually real goldfish in a bag and tank, outside in the cold. But I did have my lovely panda earmuffs on, which Danny is modelling below, to keep me warm.

I also met a lovely girl that I was talking to for a while and who said I was interesting. I just couldn't believe it, little old me INTERESTING never (Y) however I didn't catch her name so I am unable to carry on talking to her :(

So if your out there lovely girl get in touch :D

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Young Uns

Today was my first day back at college after half term and low and behold I had to be in early, partly because I was lazy over the holiday and partly because I had to go to a student rep meeting......very exhilarating.

It was mostly younger and lower level students complaining that they needed seats for their smoking area, that they wanted Facebook to be unblocked and that the food was too expensive and not good enough (which I agree with). It all seemed a bit too typical of young students.

Apart from that the rest of the college day was fine, especially when it came to my Applied Ecology module. My lecturer is taking part in Movember and when I looked at him as he walked through the door, all I could think about was this guy:

They look exactly the same!!!

Anyway I'm back home now in my nice clean flat, thanks to the lovely Mr Daniel. However, he went to Morrisons and came back about 20 minutes after I did, with a load of shopping we don't need and then went straight back out again, so I am all alone......as usual :(

But I guess it's the right moment for me to get some work done, after doing this of course ♥

I would like to blow off a little bit of steam right now, but I don't believe it to be the right place.......unfortunately :/

So Happy Thursday Everyone! I'm off to do some work :)

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Onto something new and exciting, I have just lost my 'Filled the box' virginity to Miss Katy :) We were organising, on Facebook, going to the German Christmas Market and then seeing the new Harry Potter film, YES I SAID HARRY POTTER, (so excited) and it just happened I just filled the box, that magical sometimes evil comment box.

I feel quite proud :D

But I must say, I did do this 'deed' very insufficiently, I don't think it was quite as impressive as people make out. I mean first of all I couldn't find the 'see wall to wall' link so I could reply exactly to what Katy had said, instead I had to flick it back and forth and then the comment bo only stayed to one line thick so I could barely see what I was doing...

Anyhow I believe a triumph is still a triumph, no matter how small or difficult it may be :)


Today one of my friends decided to start their own blog, now first of all I thought what a waste of time but I read it and tbh I quite enjoyed it :).

Hopefully you will show your appreciation of his efforts at http://riccrossley.blogspot.com/. (I do miss that boy at times)

Anyway after a little 'Why don't you make one?' from Danny,a day of wasted efforts and thinking I have more time than I actually do I have decided to make my own fandabbydosey blog. I am all set with a cup of tea, my thoughts and my work sprawled everywhere. Oh the fabulous student life!

Whether anyone will read it we shall soon find out *fingers crossed*