Monday, 21 November 2011

Hull Uni

So I know its been a while since I last blogged but I have been very busy. I am now in my lovely house at Hull with Rach, Tom, Iona and Chloe. My room is all set up, work is going well and uni is going really fast; in about 3 weeks I will have finished the first semester!! My grades are okay ranging from 54-82 so I can't complain too much and the work load isn't heavy which is why I am struggling to keep myself busy, plus having no money never helps.

I have, however, joined the zoological society who seem very lovely. I have been on some socials with them and been surveying in Filey which I shall be doing again this Saturday so it's going quite well. I also went on a field trip to Whitby this past week for my Field Studies in Marine Biology module. I got to survey the beach with some friends for 3 days which was suprisingly fun as tbh I don't have many friends in Hull but I'm getting there.

Anyway at the moment I am just revising and waiting for data from my Whitby trip so I can start writing my report, typical student (Y).