Wednesday, 7 September 2011


As I wait to move into my new house at my new university, I think to myself why not go for a new style. My clothes are are starting to get there with what funds I have but my hair needs updating. I had it cut just over a month ago with it short at the back and longer at the front but when I straighten it it's really not me, however when I leave it to dry and give it a scrunch it looks like this......

.... it's quite nice.  But I love straightening my hair and scrunching doesn't always go right, so I have decided to grow my hair a bit and get it cut like this............

.....Alexis Bledel, the Gilmore Girl of my life :). I then thought why don't I change colour too, I mean I'll be in a new place and people won't know me as the boring little brunette so I decided upon this colour.........'s cyber purple by Live Color XXL. But the problem is I'm a little bit scared, big changes to my appearance take a lot of courage and I'm hoping it won't make me look too pale either. Please please please let me know what you think or any ideas, especially the hair colour and you never know there maybe a big change next time I have a little blog :D