Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Work de Durk

Well as I am sat here thinking that I should really be getting on with my work I have decided to have a little update :)

At the moment I am still cracking on with my assignments I have just finished my Applied Ecology seminar which hopefully my tutor will email me back and go 'Yes, that is amazing, don't make any changes'.....doubtful he will probably email me back the morning of my seminar and scare the shizzle out of me and then I will have a panicing 2/3 hours to fix it all before I present it. Anyways now I have done that I only have 4 assignments (well 3 and a half) and 2 exams to go. The assignment side I'm ok with as its just writing stuff up really but the exam side I haven't even started revising and had a realisation and panic attack last night, so I have decided to get this practical portfolio out of the way and then start revising as well as doing my last 3 assignments :D

Work wise I have met my new team leader and they are very grateful that I want to work full time, me too as student finance have slightly screwed me over (will talk about this later on). They have me working on kiosk and tills but Danny's Mum Kerry says that if they haven't totally filled my hours then she will quite happily take me :). Plus soon I can sort out my duel storing at Hull soon :D

Talking of Hull, the house is all signed for and the advance has been paid. Just waiting for my copy now. We also have a new member to the clan as Roisin has decided she no longer lives with us we now have a lovely lad called Tom, who I get on quite well with :). Bad news about Hull is that I didn't get the job at the Deep but I think I will keep trying. Also student finance has decided not to help me this year with tuition fees etc but they are going to give me everything for my 2nd and 3rd year, so this year they are giving me £5000 maintanence loan which will mostly cover my tuition fees and some rent, hence why I have to work full time over the summer, but everything should work out ok and god knows I can barely wait to move in :D.

Lastly I have finally booked tickets for Holland and shall be of on my short jollies in August (Y) so exciting. Also I have half term next week so I shall be having a bite to eat with Mat-chu at the weekend and going shopping with Katy in the week to get some bits for my cousins wedding!! So apart from working loads I should have quite a nice time off :)

Thank god things are starting to look up :D

Monday, 2 May 2011

End of Year Stresses

April, the wonderful month I get have off college and always decide to eff all with it! Well that's was a little bit of a lie but I haven't done anything much to do with college :P. I have basically just been sorting out next year, I have visited a house in Hull that I have decided to take with Chloe and 3 of her friends, all I need to do is pay the advance tomorrow and send everything off, it would have been done a lot sooner if we hadn't of had all these bank holidays :/. I have also applied for a job at The Deep as a guide (fingers crossed!) and got a transfer to a Sainsbury's back at home......aaarrrhhhhhh home :D.

I've been home quite a lot in these holidays tbh its been quite nice at times :) I've also been able to see Mat-chu, Verity and Tessalina (lovely besties) and soon be able to see Katy Roscoe, eeeekkkk!! Oooo I am also going to Holland in the summer to see my dearest Katy, so I've been sorting out my passport too, which is late again due to the bank holidays :/

Student finance have again been crap again this year, as I have done everything they ask and then they sent me an email saying 'You have an online offer' I log on and they are wanting me to send more evidence. I ring them up to make sure this is correct and they are like 'Yes your application has been processed and we have no recollection of having your evidence that you sent 2 years ago so your going to have to give it us again. Also your parents need to sned thier P60s in.' More and more evidence, I'm really sick of it. So now I have to wait for my passport to get here which may be another 2 weeks due to bank holidays, so I can tell them I am who I am and then make sure my parents do have to send their evidence in. Job after job after job. They think that I have nothing better to do, obviously I do!!!!!!!!!

So yeah apart from all the things above yet to do I also have to revise for my exams, volunteer another 30 hours and complete 9 assignments in 6 weeks, YAY! O and I have to pack..........

I ♥ being a student (Y)